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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - bump


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  1. глухой удар; столкновение to make a bump —- спорт. нагнать, победить в парусной гонке 2. шишка, выпуклость 3. шишка (во френологии) 4. разг. способность the bump of locality —- способность ориентироваться на местности 5. ав. воздушная яма; pl. сл. болтанка 6. хим. вскипание с толчками 7. сл. вихляние тазом, эротическое движение в танце (в стриптизе и т. п.) 8. разг. снятие с должности 9. разг. повышение по службе; "пинок наверх" he's got a bump to full colonel —- его произвели в полковники 10. сильно; с шумом he went bump down the stairs —- он с грохотом скатился с лестницы to come bump on the floor —- шлепнуться на пол the car ran bump into the wall —- машина врезалась в стену 11. (against, into) ударяться; налетать, наталкиваться to bump against the kerb —- врезаться в край тротуара to bump into another car —- налететь на другую машину 12. ударять I have bumped my knee —- я ушиб колено 13. спорт. победить в парусной гонке 14. прыгать, скакать to bump along —- подпрыгивать, трястись на ухабах 15. ам. воен. жарг. обстреливать 16. разг. выгнать, убрать, снять (с должности и т. п.); отвести (кандидата); провалить (на выборах) 17. разг. снять (пассажира с самолета); не предоставить (заказанного) места (в самолете) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off amer.; sl. устранить силой; убить The old man who owned the jewels was bumped off by the thieves. BUMP up  а) повышать, увеличивать Two more good results will bump up your average.  б) (be bumped up) быть выскочкой, подняться из низов I dont like the new director much, he seems to have been bumped up from some more humble position. BUMP of locality способность ориентироваться на местности BUMP I  1. noun  1) столкновение; глухой удар  2) опухоль; шишка  3) выгиб, выпуклость  4) шишка (в френологии); coll. способность - bump of locality  5) ухаб  6) pl.; aeron. воздушные возмущения; воздушные ямы  2. v.  1) ударять(ся) (into - обо что-л.) Ive bumped into the door again and hurt my knee.  2) толкать, подталкивать  3) sport победить в парусных гонках  4) amer.; mil.; sl. обстреливать - bump into - bump off - bump up  3. adv. вдруг, внезапно to come bump on the floor - шлепнуться об пол II  1. noun крик выпи  2. v. кричать (о выпи) BUMP into неожиданно встречать кого-л. I bumped into an old friend in town today. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. столкновение; глухой тяжелый удар (звукоподражательное существительное) 2) общ. опухоль; шишка; изгиб, выпуклость; выпуклая вмятина, вздутие; колдобина, выбоина (что-либо неровное) 3) псих. шишка (в френологии: отдел мозга, где концентрируется какая-либо способность); способность (переносное значение) bump of locality — способность ориентироваться на местности 4) упр., разг. пинок; снятие с должности 5) упр., разг. повышение по службе; пинок наверх See: bump up 2. гл. 1) общ. ударяться (обо что-либо); врезаться, впаяться, влететь Then he bumped me against the wall. — Тогда он схватил меня за грудки и как шарахнет о стену. I've bumped into the door again and hurt my knee. — Я стукнулся о дверь и поранил колено. 2) общ. двигать, подталкивать, проталкивать, толкать; пихать Syn: nudge, push, shove 3) воен. взрываться (о мине); подрываться ( на мине) 4) упр., разг. уволить; подсидеть, выгнать, убрать, снять (с должности и т. п.) 3. нареч. общ вдруг, внезапно, со стуком, с глухим ударом (звукоподражание, связано с глаголом) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) электр. бросок тока 2) удар; толчок ударять; толкать 3) выпуклость, неровность, ухаб 4) горн. внезапное отделение кромки целика - rock bump ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) столбиковый вывод, контактный столбик 2) ударная тряска ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) удар; толчок 2) стреляние породы 3) бросок, всплеск (напр. напряжения); выброс на вершине импульса 4) электрон. столбиковый вывод, контактный столбик 5) возмущение (атмосферы); воздушная яма 6) резин. под-прессовка 7) мн. ч. гофры (в газодинамическом подшипнике) 8) бурлить, кипеть с толчками - chatter bumps - chip bump - coal bump - impedance bump - mountain bump - pillar bump ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., v., & adv. --n. 1 a dull-sounding blow or collision. 2 a swelling or dent caused by this. 3 an uneven patch on a road, field, etc. 4 Phrenol. any of various prominences on the skull thought to indicate different mental faculties. 5 (in narrow-river races where boats make a spaced start one behind another) the point at which a boat begins to overtake (and usu. touches) the boat ahead, thereby defeating it. 6 Aeron. a an irregularity in an aircraft's motion. b a rising air current causing this. --v. 1 a tr. hit or come against with a bump. b intr. (of two objects) collide. 2 intr. (foll. by against, into) hit with a bump; collide with. 3 tr. (often foll. by against, on) hurt or damage by striking (bumped my head on the ceiling; bumped the car while parking). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by along) move or travel with much jolting (we bumped along the road). 5 tr. (in a boat-race) gain a bump against. 6 tr. US displace, esp. by seniority. --adv. with a bump; suddenly; violently. Phrases and idioms bump into colloq. meet by chance. bump off sl. murder. bump up colloq. increase (prices etc.). Etymology: 16th c., imit.: perh. f. Scand. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: probably imitative of the sound of a blow  Date: 1581  1. a relatively abrupt convexity or protuberance on a surface: as  a. a swelling of tissue  b. a cranial protuberance  2.  a. a sudden forceful blow, impact, or jolt  b. demotion  3. an act of thrusting the hips forward in an erotic manner  II. verb  Date: 1581  transitive verb  1. to strike or knock with force or violence  2. to collide with  3.  a.  (1) to dislodge with a jolt  (2) to subject to a scalar change rates being ~ed up  b. to oust usually by virtue of seniority or priority was ~ed from the flight  intransitive verb  1. to knock against something with a forceful jolt  2. to proceed in or as if in a series of ~s  3. to encounter something that is an obstacle or hindrance ~ed up against a chair ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bumps, bumping, bumped) 1. If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving. They stopped walking and he almost bumped into them... He bumped his head on the low beams of the house. VERB: V into/against n, V n • Bump is also a noun. Small children often cry after a minor bump. N-COUNT 2. A bump is the action or the dull sound of two heavy objects hitting each other. I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened... The child took five steps, and then sat down with a bump. N-COUNT 3. A bump is a minor injury or swelling that you get if you bump into something or if something hits you. She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead. = lump N-COUNT 4. If you have a bump while you are driving a car, you have a minor accident in which you hit something. (INFORMAL) = accident, crash N-COUNT 5. A bump on a road is a raised, uneven part. The truck hit a bump and bounced. N-COUNT 6. If a vehicle bumps over a surface, it travels in a rough, bouncing way because the surface is very uneven. We left the road, and again bumped over the mountainside... VERB: V prep/adv, also V way adv/prep 7. see also goose bumps 8. If someone comes down to earth with a bump, they suddenly start recognizing unpleasant facts after a period of time when they have not been doing this. Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria. PHRASE: PHR after v c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 I always + adv/prep, to hit or knock against something + against/into etc  (It was so dark I bumped into a tree) bump sth on/against etc  (I bumped my head on the ledge.) 2 to move up and down as you move forward, especially in a vehicle + along/across etc  (The bus bumped along the rutted road.) bump into sb phr v to meet someone that you know when you were not expecting to  (I bumped into Jean in town this morning.) bump sb off phr v informal to kill someone bump sth up phr v informal to suddenly increase something by a large amount  (In the summer they bump up the prices by ten percent.) ~2 n 1 an area of skin that is raised up because you have hit it on something  (How did you get that bump over your eye?) 2 a small raised area on a surface  (bumps on the road) 3 informal a slight accident in which your car hits something but you are not hurt  (Jim had a bump in the car.) 4 the sound of something hitting a hard surface  (We heard a bump in the next room. | fall/sit down etc with a bump)  (Don sat down with a bump.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Boston University Marine Program sport abbr. Birmingham Urban Mountain Pedalers chat abbr. Boost Up My Posts chat abbr. Bring Up My Post ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: GOOSE BUMPS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1611, perhaps Scand., probably echoic, original sense was "hitting" then of "swelling from being hit." Also has a long association with obs. bum "to make a booming noise," which influenced surviving senses like bumper crop, for something full to the brim. Bumpers first recorded 1839, on railroad cars; 1926 on automobiles. To bump into "meet" is from 1880s; to bump off "kill" is 1908 in underworld slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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